Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Monday

What to do on a Easter Monday when your married friends are with their families, your own family is 100,000 miles away from where you live and you are single? You go shopping. The problem is that all shops in Paris are closed today and it's pouring down. And my fridge is empty. I can't even make myself a descent cup of coffee, the residue of milk in my fridge has transformed into a smelly Brie cheese. I'm flicking from one channel to the next, nothing of interest, unless you find the democratic future of Belarus, or the development of Africa and international assistance subjects to be considered deeply on a Easter Monday. Not for me... Okay, I will go to the office, at least, there will be diet coke and milk.

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At 1:05 AM, Blogger SHELTONSFAMILY said...

You are very interesting. I liek reading through your blog, you but a lot of what you are out there. It is really good. You seem honest and desprite for you own desires, and that is unique to admit.
Hopefully all is good in your futeure


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