Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Vive la France !

France is burning...

After the riots in the Suburbs, 2 million French are at the barricades, protesting against the new labor law (CPE law: "contrat premiere embauche," first employment contract law), which allows employers to lay-off young employees without cause or worker's compensation during their first year on the job. Protesters are requesting the withdrawal of the law, which by the way has already been voted by both Chambers of the Parliament and approved as constitutional by the Conseil Constitutionnel (i.e., Supreme Court for law enactments), hence effective and enforceable. But demonstrators are still at the barricades. I was watching the news yesterday and there was this young guy who was in support of the withdrawal of the law (and, in passing, the government) because the law supposedly make young employees live in insecurity. A young student said that she was reluctant to look for a job because she was afraid that under the new law she might get sacked without cause and compensation. She argued that worker's compensation was the incentive for them employees to accept a job. What the .... ??? Lady, you won't get laid-off if you are a hard-working competent employee, which I am sure you are. No wonder why France is a sinking ship... Nicolas Sarkozy the French Interior Minister said something so true: "There is only one way to reduce unemployment in France. You have to explain to the French people that they have to work harder."*

France is a Countess who still believes in the legacy of her glorious past... Dear Countess, have you ever heard of the 1789 Bastille revolution?

Footnote: quotation from NY Times, March 28, 2006.



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