Sunday, April 02, 2006

April Fool's Day

My friend, who was born on a 1st of April some 26 years ago, who has the same name as Jesus (let's call him X, in the name of the Lord whom for our sake was crucified for our salvation), sent me the following email:

X: "LOL, blogging, that is something I wouldn't have expected from you, bravo, just avoid the misery, the lamenting, the tears, the spinster self-pity. If you think that writing about recipes and house decoration will get you a man at the door, well... Liberate yourself, write about life and death, sex and pleasure, art, existence, dilemmas and orgies you would like to do but never have, unleash your desires and THEN you will reach the level of desirability that you long for. A blog is a good start..."

I forgot to call X to wish him a Happy (belated) Birthday... He blamed me for it, I could hear him whining across the Atlantic Ocean, how pathetic. X, you said were born on a 1st of April, I thought it was some kind of a joke. Okay?



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