Happy Birthday Cinderella

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear self, Happy Birthday to me...
My mom called me five times at the office today to annoy me with some administrative issues. She forgot though to wish me a happy birthday. Why blame her, she is caught by amnesia, neither the date, nor the year of birth of her twin daughters is of importance to her. But how could a mother forget the date of her giving birth to a pair of twins? Strange.
Luckily I have my twin sister. For the past thirty-something years, she has been the first person to wish me a happy birthday. Of course, she is my twin, so how could she forget to wish herself (hence to me) a happy birthday, you would say. Funnily, she wasn't the first this year. A strange feeling... She was beaten by a few minutes by a colleague of mine, who even had the sweetest thought of organizing a little champagne party. Thank you dear colleague.
And happy birthday, sis'.
Labels: As the years go by..., Mommy dearest
Sorry I missed your birthday my dear. Happy Belated Birthday. Miss u!
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